Sunday, July 22, 2007

Work And Enjoy Your Retirement

I found this on the Internet the other day and it made me think about my life and life in general. II have just retired from my day job and life is so fantastic.

Retirement at any age can be seen as a beginning or an end. A cup half full or a cup half empty.

My Mother always said when one door shuts another opens and I have lived my whole life on that premise. Sometimes admittedly the door take a bit of time, from ones ultimate descent in the black hole and up again... But it will reopen.

And always when you look back on things a few months, or even years later after the event , you can either see a funny side or what happened has done you a really great turn.

The same can be said about age and retirement. Age can be seen as an advantage or a disadvantage.

I was positive I did not want to retire at any age, life without work seemed like a slow train to nowhere.

But when I finally left the rat race and found myself with just as much going on as before, I have to admit I was surprised. It was just just different, all the fun without the pressure

I wonder now how I ever had time to go to work.

I am so happy in the September of my life that I am constantly amazed at how good it is. No need to sit and do nothing there are endless things to do, things I won’t to do, nobody watching my clock for me. Things I want to do you never think you are going to be able to say that, and suddenly it there.

I read all the books I never had time for, I enjoy myself. I realize at last why older people drive more slowly. Not that I cannot still race around I just do not need to.

I have time to look at the views and find there are places I have been passing for years I have never seen before. I sometimes wonder how much of our lives we never acutely see.

I still do a mass of things to keep my hand in .Running a holiday cottage, taking all the bookings etc. Then two days a week I run a friends Rug shop. It helps him and I love keeping up my selling.

So if your feeling neglected, lonely, bored, just remember there are so many things to do and so much fun to be had.

You just have to look around and start, no excuses, no poor little me. Get up in the morning and say a thank you for another day in this beautiful world and get involved. We have one life Live it.
Have a great week

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