Monday, May 14, 2007

Being fired could be an advantage

The best way to start your new job search is to create an effective search strategy. It is up to you to take care of yourself and to find your next position. Also, solicit the help of friends and family to help you. Don’t forget Centrelink and community-based support groups, and even a good recruitment agency. It is time to take advantage of all the help you can get.

The key to surviving during this time is to fall back on your network of acquaintances. Let the world know that you are free and looking for exciting opportunities. Send an email to all of your friends, former colleagues, and relatives. They can often be a helpful supportive network that will immediately swing into action to help you in a variety of ways.

Don’t be embarrassed to send a note about your situation, detailing what kind of work you are looking for. Attach your updated résumé so it can be easily forwarded. You may be surprised at just how fruitful this ‘cry for help’ can be. Online sites that I believe are really worthwhile visiting are where you can search jobs across Victoria. has a great online service. Register, submit al your search criteria for a quick an easy online job search. You will find that they have thousands of jobs Australia-wide, so do yourself a favour and log on today.

Your former employer’s main competitor should be one of your first calls in your job search. While your résumé is making the rounds, consider picking up a part-time job, temporary work, freelancing and consulting, which are also good options and can open the door to opportunities.

Many companies don’t wish to hire full-time employees immediately and prefer to bring people on as contract workers for an initial period. Jobs such as these can often lead to full-time positions.

The most important thing during this chaotic period is to be patient and keep a positive attitude. Stay physically active; exercise is a great stress reliever. Surround yourself with friends and loved ones. Be kind to yourself. Even if it takes a little while, you will bounce back. You will find that in a few months time, you may just find yourself in a better position than you could have imagined at the beginning of all this trauma, and perhaps it shall be a ‘golden
opportunity’ after all.

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